Great news from Luanda-team!
I got this mail from Milada-thank you so much for sharing:)
Last year our Lexi finished 2 Junior Champion titles - JCh SK, and JCh CZ, and
Enzo finished 4 JCh titles -JCh CRO, JCh SK, JCh PL, JCh SRB ... Lexi won also
CACIB - best bitch -at December International show Nitra, and Enzo has on his
winning list also BOB from Hungary...
Lexi and Enzo entered also the Slovakian Ridgeback Club competition and they won
in theirs categries- Lexi is BEST JUNIOR BITCH of the Year 2009 - SKCHR and Enzo -
BEST JUNIOR MALE of the year 2009 -SKCHR - and I am very proud